Explore My Work

Welcome to the digital cave of Saeed Imadeldin, the maestro of data analysis where sophisticated algorithm meets strategic decision-making in a symphony of numbers. The wizard who, with his stealthy wand – the programming codes, sweeps you off into a realm of actionable insights derived from raw, complex data.
With a glorious background
of production management
and an ever-vigilant attention
to details, Saeed has seamlessly
galloped through the realms of
data analysis, harnessing technology to pilot business growth and efficiency.

20% boost in sales
15% budget cost saving
30% accuracy improvement

Jupyter and Python
Master of creating data frames with Pandas and computations with NumPy.
Excel, R, SQL
Manipulating database and statistical analysis like a pro.
Matplotlib and Seaborn
Visualizing data that speaks to you.
Redefining Adventure Travel with VacAI by Saeed Imadeldin
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